Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

3 PhD Fellowships in Politics, Scuola Sant'Anna, Italy

The Ph.D. Programme in "Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability" is a three-year residential programme characterized by an interdisciplinary approach to the subject and by the emphasis placed on current problems defining the protection and promotion of human rights.); it consists in the following curricula (Research Areas):
- Identity, rights and conflicts in the political theory;
- Conflict and political systems in international relations;
- International and European political economy;
- Institutions and mechanisms for protecting Human rights: outlines of International Law;
- Rights and social capital in the regional development policies;
- Agrarian Law, Environmental Law and Sustainable Development of the land.

Admission Requirements:

- Applicants must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree or equivalent title;
- they should not be older than 35 years on September 30, 2010; older than 35 may be exceptionally admitted by the Examination Committee;
- they must hold of an internationally acknowledged certificate specifying their intermediate level English knowledge (as per art. 2, par. 3).

Positions and grants:

- 3 positions with 3 fellowships (amounting to € 14.500 per year + free meals at school's canteen + Campus facilities).
- The School may also admit eligible candidates without grants up to a maximum number of 3 posts


- Candidates are requested to apply online at: www.sssup.it/phdapplicationonline by September 30, 2010 by 12.00 pm GMT. In case of problems with the online application, please contact the PhD Administration Office (tel. +39.050. 883.220/383, e-mail: infophd@sssup.it).
- An hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate), together with the enclosures requested, must reach by October 11, 2010:

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
56127 PISA, Italy

"Application PhD in Politics, human rights and sustainability" must be written on the envelopment.

Application and attachments

Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
a) a copy of the candidate's passport;
b) two copies of their Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum. Please, use the EU model;
c) photocopy of Candidate's University Master Degree (to be translated in Italian or in English except those written in French, German, Spanish);
d) two copies of the abstract of thir Master Degree thesis and a copy of any other publication that they deem suitable
e) detailed list of academic courses taken (written either in English or in Italian, French, German, Spanish). This list should contain information regarding credits, units (or equivalent) received, the grades received for each class taken, and the date when the final (or semester) examination was taken;
f) the certificates of knowledge of English language (as per art. 2, par. 3) and any certificate related to this Call that they deem suitable;
g) two copies of a detailed Research Project, of no more than 3,000 words, which will describe the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the PhD course. The Research Project will include:
- a title;
- the scientific premises and the relevant bibliography;
- the aim and expectations of the research;
- the experimental methods and data analysis methods which will be used, where required;
h) at least two Reference Letters written by Faculty Members who have supervised the applicant's work during his/her university studies;
i) a numbered list of documents attached

Selection of applicants

- Assessment of the Titles: assessment of all the submitted documents and publications e submitted documents and publications, including the CV, and the Research Project.

Beginning of the PhD Programme

The PhD Programme will start on January 20, 2011


email: infophd@sssup.it
tel.: +39.050.883.250/383

Attached documents:
Call for applications 2010-2011 (file pdf, 82 Kb)


European PhD School in Smart Electric Grid and Storage

Talents for Innovation
Positions at the EIT Ph.D. School in
Smart Electricity Grid and Storage

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has selected the InnoEnergy consortium to form a Knowledge and Innovation
Community (KIC) in the field of sustainable energy. The InnoEnergy consortium is part of the strategic initiative of the European Commission, to bridge the innovation gap in Europe and secure a competitive European leadership in the sustainable energy sector. Our mission is to:

- Address long term challenges and identify new opportunities for innovation in Europe
- Transfer higher education, research and innovation activities to the business context and their commercial application (create spin-offs, start-ups and SMEs)

More information about the consortium can be found at the EIT website (http://eit.europa.eu/kics1/kic-innoenergy.html) and at (http://www.innoenergy-initiative.com/)

The Swedish co-location centre of InnoEnergy is responsible for Smart Electricity Grid and Storage. The Ph.D. School in Smart Electricity Grid and Storage is coordinated by the Colocation Centre Sweden and placed at the Royal Institute of Technology - KTH in Stockholm. Students can be enrolled and placed at any of the InnoEnergy degree issueing academic partner institutions in the eight countries participating in the KIC. When fully operational by 2014, around 80 Ph.D. students of the school are expected to be the prime developer of the smart electricity grid and storage systems of the future. The Ph.D. Program runs over four years, with the first year mainly devoted to specialized courses in subject areas and including course modules on management and entrepreneurship. A minimum of 6 months exchange at another partner organization and internships at sponsoring companies are some of the features of the Ph.D. School. All Ph.D. Positions are fully financed by InnoEnergy partners and the EIT. Admission is open to excellent students worldwide through a competitive selection process. Official language of the Ph.D. School is English.

Complete info:

PhD positions in mobile networking, IIT-CNR, Pisa, Italy

The Ubiquitous Internet Group of IIT-CNR (Institute for Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council), Pisa, Italy opens 2 fully funded PhD Student positions in the framework of the FP7 FET-AWARE RECOGNITION project due to start on 1st October 2010.
The PhD students will be supervised by Marco Conti and Andrea Passarella.

RECOGNITION aims to develop innovative, groundbreaking self-awareness
paradigms for the Future Internet, looking primarily at content-centric networking aspects. The massive scale of content the Future Internet will have to manage and the long tail of user interests require novel content management solutions. Specifically, RECOGNITION will identify, design and evaluate the self-awareness mechanisms to support a global network where the legacy Internet will be replaced by a more fluid content-centric infrastructure where data are often located on mobile users' devices possibly disconnected from the network, and where content access, rather than connectivity, will be the key design goal.

The PhD thesis will focus on one or more of the following topics:
- definition of self-awareness mechanisms for heterogeneous (mobile/fixed) content-centric networks
- content dissemination in massive scale heterogeneous (mobile/fixed)
- social/human inspired self-aware networking paradigms
- self-aware content management, indexing and acquisition in massive scale heterogeneous (mobile/fixed) networks.

The ideal candidate for these positions holds a MSc (or an equivalent
degree) in Computer Science or Computer Engineering with a solid
background on computer networking and mobile computing. Experience either in systems design or in analysis (applied to mobile networks) will be positively considered. Experience in simulation of computer networks will be a plus. Good knowledge of English is also desired.

Closing date for applications: 15/09/2010 (or as soon as the positions are filled)
Expected start date: October 2010

Each application must contain the following documents:
- a detailed CV in English
- a list of relevant academic courses (with grades)
- a list of 1 or 2 references with contact addresses
- a 1-page research statement, indicating the experience/interest with
respect to the proposed topics

Applications should be sent electronically to

m.conti@iit.cnr.it and a.passarella@iit.cnr.it

with subject "application for PhD positions - RECOGNITION".

Postdoc in Biostatistics

Postdoc in biostatistics

Job description:

Department of Biostatistics, Institute of Public Health, offers a new position as postdoc. The position is to be filled as soon as possible.

Department of Biostatistics offers teaching for undergraduate as well as for postgraduate students at the Faculty of Health Sciences. The Department of Biostatistics conducts general biostatistical research and participates in research projects within epidemiological, clinical and health promotional research - in particular within methodological aspects of aging studies, twin- and family studies, fertility and human reproduction, human micro array expression, evaluation of clinical interventions, translational medicine, pharmaceutics, proteomics and sports science.

Your job

The applicant will be part of a research team in biodemographic studies of aging and longevity where the applicant will put special focus on biostatistical modeling of biomarkers of aging.
Part of your responsibility will be to do teaching at undergraduate as well as at postgraduate level within the Faculty of Health Sciences. At the moment the Department of Biostatistics offers courses in general biostatistical methods, analysis of repeated measurements, survival analysis and analysis of twin data. The position also requires research in biostatistics, including publication and scientific communication. The department has its focus on developing statistical methods that are at an international level and that solves real applied problems within health sciences and related areas. You will also take part in the departments biostatistical consulting service – in 2009 the department had more than 100 contacts with empirical researchers that needed statistical assistance. Some of these contacts lead to formal collaboration resulting in publications in international journals.

Your qualifications

Appointment as postdoc requires research and teaching qualifications corresponding to the level that can be achieved by a successfully accomplished appointment as PhD student, although it may be obtained otherwise. Appointees as postdocs are presumed to have a documented scientific production (at PhD level) as well as documented teaching qualifications.

Application, salary, etc.:

For further information, please contact Professor Torben Martinussen, e-mail: tmartinussen@health.sdu.dk, Associate Professor, Jacob Hjelmborg, e-mail: jhjelmborg@health.sdu.dk , or Professor Jim Vaupel, email: jvaupel@health.sdu.dk. We also recommend to visit our website – see the link below.

The position is limited to two years duration.

An expert committee, appointed by the university, will assess all applications, and the applicants will be individually informed of their assessment by the university.

Appointment will take place according to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC).

The application must contain

• A cover letter
• A CV including relevant personal data and formal qualifications
• A complete and numbered list of publications
• up to 5 publications considered as the most important for this application and marked in the list of publications
• A teaching portfolio (see the link below)
• A brief summary of the most important research achievements and visions and plans for research in the position applied for.

For particulars, please see the links below "Instruction for applicants for academic posts".

The application – including relevant documents as mentioned above attached – must be marked “position no. 101058” and submitted as Word-doc.- or Adobe PDF-files to The Faculty of Health Sciences by e-mail to elohmann@health.sdu.dk, Attn.: Office Manager Elisabeth Lohmann Andersen.

Deadline for the application is August 16, 2010, at 12 am

The University encourages all persons interested in the position to apply, regardless of their age, gender, religion or ethnicity.

Read more:
Department of Biostatistics
Instructions for applicants for academic posts at the Faculty of Health Sciences
Commets to instructions for applicants for academic posts

Closing date 16 August, 2010 at 12 noon
Location: Odense

Mark application Job ID 101058 and send it to:

Beasiswa Program Joint Program utk Master Degree (ITB-UGM-1 univ partner di LN)

Ada beasiswa Program Joint Program utk Master Degree yang merupakan kerjasama antara ITB-UGM-salah satu univ partner di luar negeri. Beasiswa tersebut berasal dari diknas.

Diutamakan utk alumni ITB dan UGM yang berprestasi dan beasiswa ini bukan untuk dosen.

Jurusan S1: Engineering ato Science
1. IPK >3.25
2. TOEFL > 500
3. TPA > 475

Intinya, beasiswanya mencakup SPP selama 18 bulan.. Skemanya:
1. UGM - 1 semester (klo ga salah 17sks :D)
2. ITB - 1 semester
3. Kalau beruntung atau mahasiswa yang terpilih, bisa joint research di luar negeri (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology [Jerman] atau Kumamoto University [Jepang] atau universitas partner lainnya)

Untuk pendaftaran dan pertanyaan, silakan datang ke Tata Usaha Program Studi Rekayasa Pertambangan ITB.

Pendaftaran sampai dengan pertengahan Agustus ini.

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Position available - Lund University

PhD studentship in Geobiosphere Science

at the Department of Earth and Ecosystem Science, Faculty of Science

Reference Number: NPA 2010/107
Last application date: 23 August 2010
Day of appointment: 1 October 2010
Information: Daniel Conley, tel. +46 46 2220454
E-mail: daniel.conley@geol.lu.se<mailto:daniel.conley@geol.lu.se>
Worker's unions at Lund University: OFR, SACO, and SEKO

Project description: Fluvial transport of amorphous silica

The PhD project will investigate the transport of amorphous silica by rivers to the
world's oceans. Amorphous silica (ASi) mostly originates from biological uptake by
plants. Plants take up dissolved silicate and deposit it as an amorphous form of
silica called phytoliths. Phytoliths and ASi formed in soils enters aquatic
ecosystems through litterfall and erosion. In addition, diatoms in aquatic
ecosystems also take up dissolved silicate and deposit it as ASi. There is a wide
range of concentrations found in rivers depending upon the soils and vegetation in
the watershed, and algal growth in lakes and rivers. The amount of ASi transported
by rivers to the world's oceans is poorly known.

The Ph.D. student will investigate the flux of ASi from some of the world's largest
rivers. The student will participate in several expeditions to sample rivers for a
variety of constituents, including ASi. Some of the expeditions will be carried out
through collaboration in on-going studies. The goal of the project is to establish a
global estimate of the amount of ASi inputs from rivers.

This project is financed by the Faculty of Sciences at Lund University.

The applicants are expected to hold a university degree (preferably MSc. or
equivalent) in natural sciences. A degree in subjects like Geology, Geochemistry,
Geography or Aquatic Ecology is preferable. Documented experience in field studies
is an advantage. Experience of scientific publication in English is an asset.

The position is guaranteed for four years. The starting date is negotiable, but the
project should commence 1 October. Applications for this position should include a
letter stating the reasons for applying and brief statements about ambitions in
relation to the project. The application should also include a letter with
motivation on why the student wants to undertake a Ph.D., a CV with general personal
information and details of previous study/work record.

Additional information:
The position is restricted to four years. Formal regulations for postgraduate
studies at the Faculty of Science are provided at:

PhD studentships can only be offered to applicants who are granted admission to
postgraduate studies. In the selection procedure, the ability to complete the
education according to the study plan for postgraduate studies is considered.

Apart from postgraduate education, the successful applicant may be assigned other
duties within undergraduate teaching, research, and administrative work according to
special regulations.

The Faculty of Science considers gender and equity aspects in the recruitment
process. Women are particularly encouraged to apply, as the majority of PhD students
within the Faculty are men.

Application forms for the announced position are provided at

The application must reach the Registrator, Kansli N, Lunds universitet, Box 117,
S-221 00 LUND, Sweden, not later than 2010-08-23 to be considered. All submitted
documents must be attested as to their authenticity.

PhD Studentship in Chemical Engineering - Imperial College London

PhD Studentship
Experimental Investigation of Fluid Flow and Mass Transport in Heap Leaching
Imperial College London - Department of Earth Science and Engineering

Starting between September - December 2010

A Rio Tinto studentship is being offered to an excellent student in Chemical Engineering, Minerals Processing or related disciplines. The studentship will cover all student fees, and also offers a tax-free stipend of approximately £15,590 per annum for the period 2010/2011. Applications will be considered from both local and overseas students.

Heap leaching is a process for extracting metals from ores. It is rapidly increasing in its usage due to lower operating and capital costs compared to more conventional extraction methods. Understanding the fluid flow and mass transport processes occurring within the heap is essential to improving its design and operation.

This project will be predominantly experimental and will involve the use of a variety of techniques to investigate fluid flow within heaps at both the laboratory and pilot scale. The candidate should have a good understanding of fluid dynamics and desirably some knowledge or experience of minerals processing.

For more information or to apply, please contact Dr Stephen Neethling (s.neethling@imperial.ac.uk). Details of the criteria required by Imperial College can be found at: www.imperial.ac.uk/pgprospectus/studyzone/registrationforhigherdegrees.

Application forms and instructions can be obtained from our website: (http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/earthscienceandengineering/courses/phdopportunities/phdapplicationprocedure) or from Ms Samantha Delamaine (e-mail: sam.delamaine@imperial.ac.uk or Tel: +44 (0) 207 594 7339).

Applicants will be processed when received with the expectation that the post will be filled by September 2010 and no later than December 2010

PhD Studentship in Engineering - University of Cambridge

PhD Studentship
Modelling of ThermoAcoustic Instabilities
University of Cambridge - Department of Engineering

Limit of tenure: 3 years

Lean premixed combustion are identified to be a potential candidate for environmentally friendly gas turbines. Because of the inherent instability issues in lean combustion, the use of partial premixing strategies is inevitable and is commonly used in industrial gas turbines to have smooth operating characteristics. The occurrence of combustion oscillations leading to thermoacoustic instabilities is also inevitable in large industrial gas turbine and these instabilities come into light at an advanced stage of new engine development programmes. Hence altering combustor design will be very expensive and these instabilities are usually controlled using sophisticated open or closed loop control strategies built based on experience. Thus, there is an attractive incentive to develop reliable methodologies and tools to predict combustion instabilities since there is a substantial economic gain in using reliable predictive tools in new engine development. This project is a first step towards this goal.

The main aim of the project is to simulate the thermoacoustic instabilities of lean premixed and partially premixed flames using the latest combustion models developed in the past few years at Cambridge University Engineering Department for turbulent premixed and partially premixed combustion. It is expected that one of the commercial CFD tools along with the CUED combustion submodels will be used to simulate turbulent combustion. These CFD results are to be analysed to obtain flame transfer functions which will be used in subsequent thermoacoustic simulations using loworder modelling methods. There is also a scope for developing a new modelling approach. These predictions are to be compared with published results on thermoacoustics and this project involves collaboration with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan.

The successful candidate will have a first class, at least 2:1 or equivalent, postgraduate degree in Mechanical/Aerospace/

engineering or any other relevant fields. A strong background in fluid dynamics, combustion, numerical methods and good analytical skills are desirable. Application from overseas student is welcome. Funding, covering all expenses, is available for three year doctoral study in thermoacoustic instability modelling and computations at Cambridge University Engineering Department. This studentship will commence from October 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter, but it should be before January 2011

Further details on this project may be obtained from Dr N. Swaminathan (ns341@cam.ac.uk). An application form for PhD study at Cambridge University can be obtained from the Board of Graduate Studies. On line applications must be submitted but 16 July 2010. Paper applications must be submitted by 31 July 2010. More information on the graduate studies at CUED is available here http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/graduate/postgrad/ . If you submit your application online via BoGS website, send a copy in pdf format to Dr N. Swaminathan (ns341@cam.ac.uk) before 31stst July 2010

Quote Reference: NA06893, Closing Date: 31 July 2010

The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.

Asia Research Institute-National University of Singapore Fellowships

Asia Research Institute-National University of Singapore Fellowships
The Asia Research Institute (ARI) was established as a university-level institute in July 2001 as one of the strategic initiatives of the National University of Singapore (NUS). Its mission is to provide a world-class focus and resource for research on the Asian region, located at one of its communication hubs. ARI engages the humanities and social sciences broadly defined, and especially interdisciplinary frontiers between and beyond disciplines.
(Senior) Research Fellowships, One-Year Visiting (Senior) Research Fellowships and Postdoctoral Fellowships
The positions are intended for outstanding active researchers from around the world, to work on an important piece of research in the social sciences and humanities. Interdisciplinary interests are encouraged. Up to three months of a 12-month fellowship may be spent conducting fieldwork in the Asian region.
Visiting (Senior) Research Fellowship Appointments - ARI Sabbatical Leave Scheme
The positions are intended for researchers whose work focus on Asia and would like to devote the sabbatical term from their home institutions to conducting work in ARI, NUS. Interested applicants should have at least a PhD with a few years of postdoctoral research experience. Applicants are invited to indicate which of the ARI clusters they would like to be affiliated with (see information about clusters below). Interdisciplinary interests are encouraged. The position is essentially a writing fellowship, and at least one published outcome is expected. Applicants who do not normally publish in English will be encouraged and assisted to do so.
3-Month Visiting (Senior) Research Fellowship Appointments
The positions are intended for outstanding researchers whose work focus on Asia, with a balance anticipated between senior and junior scholars. Interested applicants should have at least a PhD with a few years of postdoctoral research experience. Applicants are invited to indicate which of the ARI clusters they would like to be affiliated with (see information about clusters below). Interdisciplinary interests are encouraged. The position is essentially a writing fellowship, and at least one published outcome is expected. Applicants who do not normally publish in English will be encouraged and assisted to do so.


Faculty of Economics (FEUB) Undergraduate –Exchange Program Scholarship

The Faculty of Economics (FEUB) Undergraduate – Exchange Program Scholarship
University of Brawijaya – Indonesia


University of Brawijaya (UB) became a public University in 1963. Today, UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with more than 30,000 students in various degrees ranging from the Bachelor's Degree Program, Master's Degree Program, Doctoral Degree Program, and Medical Specialist Program in 10 faculties.

UB campus is situated in the city of Malang, East Java, in a strategic location you can easily reach by public transportations. Thanks to trees growing in all corners of the campus and the cool air of Malang, you can find UB a very fresh campus. A city of education, Malang has been developing rapidly. This seems to be inseparable from the triumph of East Java in the past.

Faculty of Economics (FEUB) is one of the faculties in UB and is also known as one of the most reputable Faculties of Economics in Indonesia. It is proven by an "A" accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for higher education in Indonesia for all departments (Accounting, Management, and Economics of Development). In addition, FEUB is also a member of AACSB International (the Association to Advanced Collegiate School of Business). These facts indicate that FEUB has been acknowledged as a remarkable faculty both in national and international level. These high achievements always motivate FEUB to continuously improve its quality in educational field.

FEUB Undergraduate-Exchange Program Scholarship is an initiative of the FEUB through World Class University (WCU) program offered to international students who are interested to spend one semester (4 month) in one of our department in FEUB: (1) Accounting (2) Management (3) Economics of Development (Economics). This scholarship will provide educational, research and professional development opportunities to support growth in the region and to build enduring links at the individual, institutional and country levels. This program is also designed for international student to gain experience of living and studying in one of Indonesian campus.

General Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must

* Be a citizen of a country in the Asia and the Pacific.
* Be a regular full-time student in one university in the Asia and the Pacific region studying Accounting, Management/Business or Economics (have completed at least their first year of study in the home university).
* Have met FEUB academic requirement (at least GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 or equivalent grading system)
* Have met the English requirements for the course to be considered for a scholarship with a minimum TOEFL 550 or equivalent
* Not hold or have held an Indonesian Government funded scholarship in preceding 12 months at the time of application
* Satisfy all requirements of the Indonesian Department of Immigration
* Not married to/ or defacto of, or engaged to, a person who holds or is eligible to hold an Indonesian status.

What does FEUB Undergraduate Exchange Program Scholarship cover?

* Tuition fees for one semester
* Campus Accommodation (4 month)
* Standard Living Allowance (4 month)
* · Return Air Travel (Economy Class)

Credit Transfers

Academic Credits (normally around 15-18 credit hours) at UB might be transferred to home university as part of the requirements for their graduation. Enquiries about subject offered can be communicated using email: iup_economics@yahoo.com

Upon completion of the program students will receive an exchange program academic transcript from FEUB.

How to apply?

Applicants must complete an application form with certified copies of all relevant documents, including:

* Copy of Academic Transcript/Record
* Supporting Letter from the home university

Deadlines for the FEUB Undergraduate-Exchange Program Scholarship Applications

The Exchange Program Scholarship Applications for Semester 1, 2010 must be submitted by 30 July 2010.

Application form must be sent to

Program Internasional
Fakultas Ekonomi – Universitas Brawijaya
c/p Dr. Devanto Pratomo
Jl. Veteran – Malang

Please also sent a copy of the applications and any enquiries by email to iup_economics@yahoo.com

Results of Applications

Students applying for a scholarship for Semester 1, 2010 will be advised of the outcome of their application in 3rd August 2010.

The semester is starting on 23rd August 2010

The Following are the Exchange Program Scholarship eligible countries:

1. Australia
2. Brunei Darussalam
3. Cambodia
4. China
5. Hongkong
6. Japan
7. Laos
8. Malaysia
9. Myanmar
10. New Zealand
11. Philippines
12. Singapore
13. South Korea
14. Thailand
15. Vietnam

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

PhD Studentship in Web Technologie - De Montford University

PhD Studentship
De Montfort University

WEB COLLIDER (Keywords: Semantic Web, Internet, Search Engine, Creative Computing and Future Computation)

Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University, Leicester, England


A PhD research studentship at the Institute of Creative Technologies (IOCT), De Montfort University (DMU) is available to suitably qualified students.

The next generation of the web is known as Semantic Web, or Web 3.0. Here, users’ search intentions are interpreted semantically by search engines, so that search results returned will, in theory, be closer to what they wanted. However, as the web becomes better at understanding and steering user intentions, much of the more serendipitous and creative aspects of surfing will be lost.

This PhD project aims to provide users with a 'breadcrumb trail' of unique navigations through tagged content of all types: text, images, sounds and media. These navigations will provide creative stimulation and offer new insights into relationships between information that is not based simply on chance or even oppositional encounters, but rather on a more poetic sense of unity. To achieve this kind of result the tool will interrogate the way in which current search algorithms distinguish 'positive' and 'negative' information in order to achieve a new system of values for the classification of data. The supervision team will include Professor Hongji Yang, Professor Andrew Hugill and Professor Jim Hendler. For more information please contact Professor Hongji Yang by email: hyang@dmu.ac.uk or call +44 (0)116 250 6398.

This research opportunity is one of 15 scholarships funded by DMU in 2010/11 to build on our excellent achievements in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. It will develop the University’s research capacity into new and evolving areas of study, enhancing DMU’s national and international research partnerships.

Applications are invited from UK or overseas students with a good first degree (First, 2:1 or equivalent) in a relevant subject and a keen interest in computer science. Doctoral scholarships are available for up to three years’ full-time study starting October 2010 and provide a bursary of £13,500pa in addition to University tuition fees.

Applicants should contact Lisa McNicoll at lmcnicoll@dmu.ac.uk to receive an application pack.

Please quote ref: DMU Scholarships 2010

CLOSING DATE: Monday 2 August

PhD Studentship in Sociology - Goldsmiths College University of London

3-year full-time PhD Studentship in Sociology
Goldsmiths, University of London - Department of Sociology

The Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths is pleased to announce one 3-year PhD studentship in sociology, available from October 2010 or January 2011.

The studentship is open to home and overseas applicants, and covers fees and an annual stipend at the standard UK Research Council level (currently £13,590 per annum).

The studentship will be awarded to an exceptional candidate whose profile has the potential to enhance the Department's overall research and/or make a significant contribution to the work of a research group within the Department. Research in the Department is focused in six clusters:

* Race, Religion, Ethnicity and Nationalism
* World Cities, Economies and Social Exclusion
* Culture
* Gender and Social Life
* Politics, Rights and Globalisation
* Life-sciences, Medicine, Technology and Health.

You are advised to consult our staff pages to identify a potential supervisor whose research is closely relevant to your area of interest. For individual staff expertise, please visit the staff web pages at http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/sociology/staff/.

Applicants should hold, or expect to have attained, a Master's degree (distinction or merit) by the time the studentship commences. A Master's degree in methods of social research is not a requirement, but would be particularly desirable. As part of the studentship, the successful candidate will be expected to carry out light teaching and/or administrative duties, normally in years two and three.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to Dr Monica Greco, Postgraduate Convenor (m.greco@gold.ac.uk), and should consist of a short covering letter, a research proposal (maximum 2,000 words) and a full CV, including the names of two academic referees.

Application deadline: 21 July 2010
Interview date: week commencing 2 August 2010

For more information, please contact our Postgraduate Secretary, Bridget Ward (b.ward@gold.ac.uk).

Further information about the Department is available at http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/sociology.

2 PhD Positions at The Accademia di Architettura, Univ of Lugano, Swiss

website link:

The Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio (Università della Svizzera italiana) invites applications for

2 full‐time doctoral positions and 1 post‐doctoral position (80%)

within the interdisciplinary research project "From Ravenna to Vals. Light and Darkness in the Architecture from the Middle Ages to the Present" funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

The PhD candidates studying the history of the use, knowledge and effects of daylight and artificial light in Architecture in premodern or modern times will dedicate two thirds of their time to their thesis and the other third to the team's research project (teaching activities included). The annual salary will amount to 40'200–46'200 Swiss Francs for a maximum of four years.

The post‐doc candidate with research experience in 19th to 21st century History of Architecture will investigate in his/her project the use, knowledge and effects of daylight and artificial light in the field of modern and/or contemporary Architecture, to which he/she will dedicate two thirds of his/her time. The other third will be dedicated to the team's research project (teaching activities included). The annual salary (80%) will amount to 60'000–66'000 Swiss Francs for a maximum of four years.

The employment will begin per October 1st 2010 or by arrangement. The knowledge of two Swiss national languages plus English is required.

Candidates with a University master or diploma in Art History, Architecture, History, Cultural or Visual Studies from any nationality are welcome to submit a curriculum vitae, a summary of their doctoral/post‐doctoral project (2‐5 pages) and writing samples (only as PDFs on a CD) to the address below. The applications will be accepted in Italian, German, French or English.

Please send the applications (Letter, complete CV, copies of documents regarding to academic titles, summary of post‐doc/doctoral research project; writing samples) to Human Resources Department, deadline: July 26th 2010 (the documentation will not be returned).

Sig.ra Christiane Schroeder, Accademia di Architettura, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Largo Bernasconi 2, CH‐6850 Mendrisio, Switzerland.

For further information please contact the project leader: daniela.mondini@usi.ch

30 BSc Scholarships at Istanbul Sehir University, Turkey



Istanbul ªehir University, established in 2008 by the Foundation for Sciences and Arts (BSV), will open doors to its very first students in the 2010-2011 academic year with 4 faculties and 10 departments. It is our vision to become one of the most prestigious and renowned research and teaching institutions in Turkey and in the world. Istanbul ªehir University invites international applicants to come study in Istanbul, Turkey.

The entire quota of international students accepted for the 2010-2011 academic year will be on full scholarship (including tuition fees, accommodation and health insurance). This scholarship covers one year English Preparatory School plus four years undergraduate study.

Deadline for applications via postal mail or online is 2nd August 2010.

Why Turkey?
Why go to university in Turkey?

- A stable and safe country
- Where East meets West
- A focal point in the region
- The world's 16th strongest economy
- An opportunity to learn two languages (Turkish and English)
- Research-focused universities
- An education of high quality as well as the mobility emerged with the Bologna Process.
- Attractive financial support for international students (scholarships, dormitory facilities, etc.)
- As of this year, international students studying at Turkish universities will have the chance to spend one or two semesters studying in one of the EU countries through the Erasmus Program.

Why Istanbul?
Why become a university student in Istanbul?

- Crossroad of two continents
- A multicultural atmosphere
- A cradle of civilizations
- Turkey's economic-finance center
- The metropolis with the highest number of universities in the region
- A welcoming and comfortable environment for international students

Why Istanbul ªehir University?

- A high rate of scholarships
- A laptop computer for every student
- 1 instructor for every 3 students
- Medium of instruction is English
- One year of English preparation
- Common core curriculum for all first year students
- The opportunity to change your department after the first year
- Young and qualified teaching staff
- Dynamic curricula
- Rich library
- Research-focused university
- Collaboration with prestigious international universities
- One or two semesters of education in an EU country through the Erasmus Program.
- The entire quota of international students accepted for the 2010-2011 academic year will be on full scholarship (including tuition fees, accommodation and health insurance)!


Scholarships: The entire quota of international students entering our university in the 2010-2011 academic year will be given full scholarship (including tuition fees, accommodation and health insurance). This scholarship will cover one year English Preparatory School plus 4 years undergraduate study.

Duration of Study: At our university, as is the common practice in Turkey, undergraduate programs are 4 years. However, you may shorten this time by taking courses in summer school.

Language of Instruction: The medium of instruction at our university is English. Students whose English level is not sufficient will go through one year of English Preparatory Program.

Structure of Education: Undergraduate programs are 4 years. All undergraduate programs will follow a common core curriculum in the first year of study. Upon successful completion of first year, students will be given the option to change their departments.

Double Major and Minor Opportunities: Under the Double Major Program you may follow two undergraduate programs and receive two diplomas. With our Minor Programs, you will be able to receive a certificate that supports your major.

Accommodation: International students entering our university for the 2010-2011 academic year will be provided rooms in our dormitories free of charge.

Health Services and Insurance: Our university will provide health insurance for all international students in the 2010-2011 academic year.


All international students* must be either graduates or in their final year of schools equivalent to Turkish High Schools. The requirements explained below must also be met.

* Applicants who fit the descriptions listed below will not be considered to have international student status:

Citizens of Turkey and the T.R.N.C., citizens of either Turkey or the TRNC with dual-citizenship, those with dual-citizenship who revoke their Turkish or TRNC citizenship after 2011 and complete all of their high school in Turkey or the TRNC, Turkish citizens who complete their high school education in the TRNC, anyone expelled for a disciplinary measure from a higher education instution in Turkey.


Applicants may apply online or via postal mail until 2nd August 2010 to the Student Affairs Office (for the application address and email see below). Explanations and updates regarding the applications will be announced on the university's website.

Istanbul ªehir University 2010-2011 Academic Year
Undergraduate Student Quotas


1. Undergraduate Application Form for international students (to download the form click here; to fill the form online, click here),
2. Certified English or Turkish translation of your diploma (if available) (your original diploma and a certificate showing equivalency to the Turkish high school diploma will be requested at registration),
3. Certified English or Turkish translation of your transcript (the document, approved by the school administration showing high school courses taken and grades received by the applicant),
4. Certified English or Turkish translation of your national ID card or passport,
5. A copy of your exam results (if available) indicating English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, etc),
6. One passport size photo (4.5cm x 6 cm),
7. Certified English or Turkish translation of one of the test results (if any) listed below:
7.1 Gold, silver and bronze medals taken from International Science Olympiads recognized and participated in by TÃœBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey),
7.2 YÖS (Examination for Foreign Students) Basic Learning Skills test score of at least 50 standard points,
7.3 TCS (Turkish Republics with Turks and Related Communities Test) score of at least 50 points,
7.4 SAT I (Scholastic Assessment Test) score of at least 1000 total points and a Math score of at least 500,
7.5 ACT (American College Test) Math, Science Reasoning and Composite score of at least 21 points,
7.6 GCE (General Certificate Education) test with at least 3 subjects related to the department to which you are applying at the A level,
7.7 International Baccalaureate diploma grade of at least 30,
7.8 German ABITUR test score of at least 4 points,
7.9 French Baccalaureate diploma grade of at least 10,
7.10 Matura diploma grade of at least 2,
7.11 Tawjihi of Jordan and Palestine test score average of at least 70 for all classes in the Scientific Stream,
7.12 Lebanese Baccalaureate (Baccalauréat Libanais) diploma grade of at least 60 out of 100 or 13 out of 20 for tests in the Scientific Stream.
7.13. Al-Shahada al-Thanawiyya (Baccalaureate) of Syria test score average of at least 170 out of 240 in the Scientific Stream, 165 in the Literary Stream, and 25 in the Language Stream,
7.14 High School Diploma of Iran (Diploma Debirestan) average of at least 15/20 and Pishdaneshgahi score of at least 15/20,
7.15 National University Test of Kazakhstan score of at least 90 out of 120,
7.16 Gaokaonda-University Entrance Exam of the People's Republic of China score of at least 500 out of 750,
7.17 Besides the above listed exams, applicants may be evaluated by Istanbul ªehir University based on their high school diploma grade and university entrance exam results from their countries.
The validity period of exams taken upon completion of high school (Abitur, International Baccalaureate, GCE, Tawjihi, etc.) is unlimited. However, the results of other university entrance exams (SAT I and ACT) and YÖS are valid for only two years.


The evaluation of applications and the placement of applicants will be carried out by the Istanbul ªehir University Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee may accept some applicants who have fulfilled the requirements after preliminary consideration. Applicants without any test results, if considered appropriate, will be called to take the International Students Entrance Exam.


The names of accepted candidates will be announced on the university's web site and applicants will be notified online. Students who confirm the notification will be sent a letter of acceptance via mail and online. Applicants must then present their acceptance letter, together with all other required forms, to the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in their countries to receive a student visa.


Students admitted to our university must register in person at the date specified below by the Student Affairs Office. Registration cannot be done via mail.

You must bring the following documents with you for registration:
1. Original copy of your high school diploma and its translated English or Turkish copy certified by the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in your country,
2. A Certificate of Equivalency for your high school diploma: a certificate issued either by the Ministry of National Education of Turkey or the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in your country indicating that your high school diploma is equivalent to Turkish high school diploma,
3. Original copy of test results submitted in application and its English or Turkish translation certified by the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in your country,
4. A certified Turkish translation of your passport,
5. Six (6) passport size (4.5 cm x 6cm) photos,
6. A photocopy of your student visa obtained from the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in your country.
To complete the registration, international students must obtain their Residence Permit from the Foreign Branch of the Istanbul Police Department and submit photocopies of the relevant pages to the Student Affairs Office.


Application dates: June 28 – August 2 (Monday), 2010.
Preliminary evaluation: August 3 – August 6, 2010.
Exam: August 12 (Thursday) 2010.
Announcement of the Exam Results: August 16 (Monday), 2010.
Registration dates: August 31 – September 3, 2010.


Mailing address: Istanbul ªehir University, Student Affairs Office, Ahmet Bayman Cad. No. 2, Seyrantepe-ªiºli, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: + 90 212 444 40 34, Fax: 90 212 282 66 27; Email: admissions@sehir.edu.tr

Istanbul ªehir University does not discriminate against any individual or group of individuals on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race and religion.


100 Scholarships from Greece Government 2010-2011

Within the framework of international development cooperation and assistance, each year, Hellenic Aid grants approximately 100 scholarships to foreign and expatriate students deriving from developing countries for graduate and postgraduate studies at Greek universities and technological education institutes.

Hellenic Aid Scholarship Programme for the academic year 2010-2011.
Application form for undergraduate studies.
Application form for postgraduate studies.
Table of eligible countries for the academic year 2010-2011.

Within the framework of international development cooperation and assistance, each year, Hellenic Aid grants approximately 100 scholarships to foreign and expatriate students deriving from developing countries for graduate and postgraduate studies at Greek universities and technological education institutes.

Hellenic Aid Scholarship Programme for the academic year 2010-2011.
Application form for undergraduate studies.
Application form for postgraduate studies.
Table of eligible countries for the academic year 2010-2011.


5 PhD Scholarships in ICT, Aalborg University, Denmark

At the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine 5 PhD stipends are available within the general study programmes Wireless Communication and Computer Science. The stipends are open for appointment from September 15, 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Job description
Electronic Systems/Computer Science/Mathematical Sciences

5 Mobility Stipends in ICT

The PhD stipends are offered via a grant to three departments at Aalborg University; Department of Electronic Systems, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Mathematical Sciences. The grant from The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation covers 5 full financed PhD stipends. The driving hypotheses of the projects are the following:

A. Hypothesis: Adaptive signal processing algorithms implemented as embedded software can be used to linearize a highly nonlinear but energy efficient power amplifier core to yield an overall linear and energy efficient amplifier. The applicant needs competences in one or more of the areas: RF electronics and modelling, embedded systems, IC design, FPGA design, power amplifier design, and RF simulation techniques. Contact: Professor Torben Larsen (E-mail: tl@es.aau.dk, phone: +45 2020 6856).

B. Hypothesis: Bayesian statistical methods based on a unified approach for divergence approximations can be used to improve the performance of data receivers for mobile communications where the challenge is to make a decision on what data was originally sent by a transmitter or a group of transmitters, when the data is corrupted due to interferences, e.g. generated by other transmitters. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: Data receiver design, wireless communication, signal processing, and Bayesian statistics. Contact: Professor Bernard Fleury (E-mail: bfl@es.aau.dk, phone: +45 9940 8629).

C. Hypothesis: Quantitative model checking, simulation, static analysis and compiler optimizing methods may be used for designing and implementing optimal mappings and scheduling of embedded applications onto multi-core, multi-processor and networked architectures. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: Computer science, embedded systems, multi-core architectures, and verification and scheduling. Contact: Professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen (E-mail: kgl@cs.aau.dk, phone: +45 9940 8893).

D. Hypothesis: Advances in spatial and computational statistics are capable of improving the foundation for understanding and exploiting data-dependent characteristics of spatio-temporal indexing and query processing techniques for the mobile Internet, thus resulting in more effective techniques. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: computer science and statistics – in particular interest in the mobile Internet and spatial and computational statistics. Contact: Professor Jesper Møller (E-mail: jm@math.aau.dk, phone: +45 3057 3127).

E. Hypothesis: Utilizing simultaneous coverage from multiple wireless access devices and exploiting knowledge about typical spatio-temporal communication patterns obtained through spatio-temporal data mining techniques, it is possible to predict which links can be kept in a low power state at certain times, while still allowing data packets to be routed in the mobile core network, and thereby reducing the overall power consumption very significantly. Desired competences in one or more of the areas: databases, data mining, and/or spatio-temporal data management, combined with an interest in wireless communications. Contact: Professor Torben Bach Pedersen (E-mail: tbp@cs.aau.dk, phone: +45 9940 9975).

If you want to apply for more than one PhD position you must submit an application for each position. Please indicate in the comment box which stipend (A, B, C, D or E) you are applying for. Applications sent by email will not be accepted.

The projects are supported by three departments as mentioned earlier; Dept. of Electronic systems, Dept. of Computer Science, and Dept. of Mathematical Sciences. For all projects two supervisors will be appointed – a main supervisor and a co-supervisor. The two supervisors will always be from different departments. It is the plan to have some joint activities for all 5 PhD students – for example, a summer school is planned.

Since the PhD stipends have been funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation with the plan to improve mobility, you are not allowed to have a Masters degree from Aalborg University. As long as your qualifying masters degree has been received from any other university than Aalborg University you can apply – also if you have your degree from another Danish university.

The application:
The applicant must submit an application for each stipend he or she wishes to apply for. The application must include the following:

1. An application letter stating the motivation of the applicant to apply for precisely this stipend, applicants background, other relevant information etc. This letter must also include a list of submitted material.
2. A Curriculum Vitae.
3. Copies of all relevant degrees obtained as well as copies of relevant scientific papers etc. These must be in Danish or English (signed by an authorized translator). Exam papers in other languages can't be assessed.
4. A maximum 2 page (11 point Calibri / 2 cm margins all sides) proposal for the research to be pursued in the project containing:
a. Suitable title.
b. Brief background for the project.
c. Initiating problem.
d. Short state-of-the-art in the field with use of a few key references.
e. Novel ideas to solve the proposed problem (in the form of bullet points).
f. Main challenges to work on in the project (in the form of bullet points).
g. A rough sketch of a time and work plan.
h. Up to 5 key references.

PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Masters degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 18 of January 14, 2008 on the PhD Programme at the Universities. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed every six months. It is a prerequisite for continuation of salary payment that the previous progress is approved at the time of the evaluation.

The qualifications of the applicant will be assessed by an assessment committee. On the basis of the recommendation of the assessment committee, the Dean of the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine will make a decision for allocating the stipend.

For further information about stipends and salary contact Ms. Helen Kjerstein Kristensen, The Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine, phone: +45 9940 7373.

The faculties have a research school, The Doctoral School of Engineering, Science and Medicine: www.phd.ins.aau.dk and a Network for all PhD students: www.pau.aau.dk

Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of January 11, 2006 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the Ministry of Finance Circular of June 13, 2007 on the employment structure at Danish Universities.


Apply online

Aalborg University (AAU) conducts teaching and research to the highest level in the fields of humanities, engineering, and natural, health, and social sciences.



Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

PhD Studentship in Health Education - University of Hull

PhD Scholarship in Education
Improving the health and wellbeing of Middle Eastern children and young people by addressing the determinants of obesity
University of Hull

To celebrate the University's research successes, the University of Hull is offering one International PhD fee bursary for candidates applying for the following project

Improving the health and wellbeing of Middle Eastern children and young people by addressing the determinants of obesity

Closing date 16 July 2010; Studentships will start in September 2010

Supervisors: Professor Derek Colquhoun (d.colquhoun@hull.ac.uk), Jo Pike

Visit www.hull.ac.uk/phd to download a copy of the application form.

This scholarship will build on successful research initiatives in the Institute for Learning. Shape Up, funded by DG Sanco for 3 years, focused on how children and young people could address the determinants of obesity. Hull City Council has extended Shape Up in all primary schools for a 2 further years. As part of the development of Shape Up we are looking for the PhD to investigate the appropriateness of the project in other parts of the world including Australia, and in this case, the Middle East. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Sultan Qaboos University in Oman.

The successful applicant will need an understanding of the education systems of the Middle East and Oman and Jordan in particular. They will also be skilled quantitative and qualitative researchers who are comfortable researching across education organisations and health promotion in school communities.

Supervision will be by Professor Derek Colquhoun, Jo Pike and at this stage we envisage additional supervision by staff at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

Applicants will be expected to hold a minimum of a UK upper second class Honours degree, or equivalent, in an appropriate discipline.

The International PhD Fee bursaries will cover full tuition fees for full-time overseas students for three years, depending on satisfactory progress.

PhD Studentship in Computing - Goldsmiths College, University of London

Three 3-year full-time PhD Studentships in Computing
Goldsmiths, University of London - Department of Computing

The Department of Computing at Goldsmiths is pleased to announce up to three 3-year full-time PhD studentships, available from October 2010.

The Department of Computing is a leading centre for the study of computer science within creative, cognitive and social contexts. Research groups within the Department include Intelligent Sound and Music Systems, and Narrative and Interactive Media. In addition, the Department is an integral part of two College-wise research centres: the Centre for Cognition, Computation and Culture, and the Goldsmiths Digital Studios.

The Department offers two PhD programmes:

* PhD in Computing (covering all aspects of computer science, and examined by thesis and viva)
* PhD in Arts and Computational Technology (containing a practice-led component, and examined by thesis, viva, and a practical component in a form appropriate to the artistic and technical project)

Studentships, consisting of awards covering fees (home or overseas) and a stipend of £13,590 per annum, will be awarded to exceptional candidates with the potential to enhance the Department's overall research, and/or to make a significant contribution to the work of a research group or centre. Individual staff research expertise can be viewed at http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/computing/staff-research/.

Applicants should hold, or expect to have obtained, a Master's degree in a relevant discipline by the time the studentship starts. As part of the studentship, the successful candidates will be expected to carry out light teaching or administrative duties within the Department. Applications should be sent by e-mail to Dr Christophe Rhodes (c.rhodes@gold.ac.uk), and should consist of a covering letter, a research proposal (a maximum of 2,000 words) and a full CV, giving contact details for two academic referees.

Application deadline: 23 July 2010

Interviews: week commencing 2 August 2010

For informal enquiries or any more information, please contact Professor Mark d'Inverno (dinverno@gold.ac.uk).

Further information about the Department is available at http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/computing/.

PhD Studentship in Psychology - City University London

PHD Studentship - Psychology
City University - Department of Psychology

Applicants are invited for a full-time PhD studentship within the Department of Psychology, City University, London.

The studentship is available to both UK/EU and overseas fee-paying students and is only to new applicants who will be studying full-time. The studentship, starting 1 October 2010, includes a bursary of £14,000 per annum (in addition to a full tuition fee waiver) for three years. The studentship also includes £1,000, which may be used across the three year period to cover the cost of conference attendance by the student, equipment purchase or other activity in support of the research. The successful applicant will be expected to undertake some form of teaching support activity of up to 150 hours per academic year as part of the bursary arrangements.

Applications should include a short research proposal, two references, full official copies of degree transcripts, plus proof of English Proficiency (if applicable). These, along with the completed research degree application form should be sent to Mr Peter Aggar

peter.aggar.1@city.ac.uk, or by post to:

Mr Peter Aggar

School of Social Sciences
City University London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB

The research degree application form is available from: www.city.ac.uk/research/resdegrees/dps/forms.

Additional general information about the PhD degree at City University can be found on the Research Studies web page, www.city.ac.uk/researchstudies


Information about the Department of Psychology can be found at: www.city.ac.uk/psychology.

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact one of our staff members whose research interests accord with their own prior to making an application. Full staff profiles are available at: www.city.ac.uk/psychology/staff.

Closing date: 16th July 2010.

PhD Studentship in Multimedia Studies - De Montford University

PhD Studentship
Low Complexity Multiview Video Coding
De Montfort University

Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing Group, Technology, De Montfort University, Leicester

Starting October 2010

A PhD research studentship within Technology, De Montfort University (DMU), Leicester, is available to suitably qualified students. The aim of the project is to develop efficient solutions for low complexity multiview video coding. The project will be co-supervised by Professor Raouf Hamzaoui from DMU and Professor Pascal Frossard from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Candidates should hold a good first degree in electrical engineering, computer science or related fields. They should have excellent programming skills in C/C++ and good knowledge of video compression. For more information about the project please visit our website or contact Professor Raouf Hamzaoui by telephone +44 (0)116 207 8096 or email rhamzaoui@dmu.ac.uk

This research opportunity is one of 15 scholarships funded by DMU in 2010/11 to build on our excellent achievements in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. It will develop the University's research capacity into new and evolving areas of study, enhancing DMU's national and international research partnerships.

Applications are invited from UK or overseas students who should have a good first degree (First, 2:1 or equivalent) in a relevant subject and a keen interest in video coding. Doctoral scholarships are available for up to three years' full-time study starting October 2010 and provide a bursary of £13,500pa in addition to University tuition fees.

Applicants should contact the Faculty Research Office to receive an application pack, which requires a full CV with two supporting references. Please email easpell@dmu.ac.uk or call +44 (0)116 207 8627 for further details.

Please quote ref: DMU Scholarships 2010

Closing Date: Monday 2 August

PhD Studentship in Mineral Engineering - Imperial College London

PhD Studentship
Development of a Heap Leaching Simulator for the Minerals Industry
Imperial College London - Department of Earth Science and Engineering

For 36 months

A Rio Tinto PhD studentship is being offered to an excellent student with a background in Engineering, Physics or Applied Maths. The studentship will cover all student fees, as well as offers a tax-free stipend of approximately £15,590 per annum for the period 2010/2011. Applications will be considered from both local and overseas students.

Heap leaching is a process for extracting metals from ores. It is rapidly increasing in its usage due to lower operating and capital costs compared to more conventional extraction methods. Its main drawback though is that it still suffers from lower extraction efficiencies than competing methods. A key to improving this process is being able to accurately predict the performance as heap design and liquid addition strategies are changed. To this end, an accurate and efficient heap leaching simulator is required.

This project will involve integrating a novel continuum description for the unsaturated flow of liquid through a packed bed with models for mass transport, reaction kinetics and heat flow within the heap in order to produce an overall simulation of the process. This will then be used to investigate different heap design and liquid addition strategies.

A C/C++ programming ability is essential and it is highly desirable that the candidate has a background in fluid dynamics.

For more information or to apply, please contact Dr Stephen Neethling (s.neethling@imperial.ac.uk).

Details of the criteria required by Imperial College can be found at: www.imperial.ac.uk/pgprospectus/studyzone/registrationforhigherdegrees.

Application forms and instructions can be obtained from our website (http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/earthscienceandengineering/courses/phdopportunities/phdapplicationprocedure) or from Ms Samantha Delamaine (E-mail: sam.delamaine@imperial.ac.uk, Tel: +44 (0) 207 594 7339).

Applicants will be processed when received with the expectation that the post will be filled by September 2010 and no later than December 2010.

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Beasiswa S3 - Public infrastructure projects: a qualitative management study of open innovation systems

Public infrastucture project PhD scholarship

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is a significant player in the Australian higher education sector, and its rapid growth in research performance has cemented its position as one of the nation’s top universities for quality and teaching in internationally significant, high-impact, leading edge research.
QUT is offering an Australian Research Council (ARC) Australian Postgraduate Award Industry (APAI) PhD scholarship, with a top-up from our Project Management Academy.
You will study within QUT’s School of Urban Development in the Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering alongside a dynamic, friendly and supportive team working on a landmark ARC research project.
The title of the project is “Maximising diffusion of innovative products on public infrastructure projects: a qualitative management study of open innovation systems”.
Study topic
The area of study is management in project-based industries, and you will choose a specific topic within this field. Possible study options include motivation of stakeholders, client leadership, innovation adoption, procurement systems, project management, relationship networks, knowledge management or related topics.
Term of study and remuneration
This is an opportunity for full-time study and the degree is to be completed within three years. The successful applicant will receive a scholarship worth $39,375 per year (tax exempt) which equates to a taxable income of around $56,000.
The scholarship will provide support for the three-year candidature of the successful applicant. In addition to the scholarship, QUT will provide up to $10,000 for research expenses over the course of your study (including international conference travel), with the possibility of undertaking part-time tutoring work.
To be eligible you will need an Honours 1 or 2A degree within the broad fields of business, civil engineering or urban development. Equivalency may be granted for a two-year masters degree by research or a two-year masters degree by coursework with a GPA of 5 on a 7 point scale (with at least 33% research component). In judging equivalence, QUT may also consider other studies, other research experience, research publications, referees’ reports and relevant work experience.
Application closing date
Applications close at 12pm on Friday, 30 July 2010.

How to apply

To apply, please email your CV to Dr Karen Manley (k.manley@qut.edu.au) and Dr Tim Rose (tm.rose@qut.edu.au) by 12pm on Friday, 30 July 2010.

PhD Studentship in Drug Engineering - University of Oxford

Research Studentship in Nanoparticle Drug Delivery
University of Oxford - Department of Engineering Science

A fully funded 3 year studentship in Nanoparticle Drug Delivery is available from October 2010. The successful candidate will work in the area of Drug and Vaccine Delivery at the Departments' Institute of Biomedical Engineering in Headington.

You are likely to hold a first-class degree in a relevant area of engineering (biomedical, chemical or pharmaceutical engineering), materials, pharmaceutical sciences or other relevant subject, and possess good experimental, analytical and computational skills and an interest in drug delivery. Experience in nanoparticle and microparticle manufacturing methods as well as scientific programming together with evidence of high self-motivation and good organisational skills are desirable. The ability to work in an interdisciplinary team and to communicate scientific ideas clearly, orally and in writing with the interpersonal skills necessary to contribute effectively to a collaborative project would be advantageous.

This studentship will fund home or overseas University fees over three years together with a stipend currently of £13,900 per annum.

Candidates are expected to meet the Graduate Admissions criteria available at http://www.eng.ox.ac.uk/postgrad/criteria.pdf and a full graduate application must be made at the same time as applying for this studentship. Further details about making a graduate application are available at http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply

Please send a letter of application for the studentship, which should explain your interest in and relevant experience for the advertised post, together with a detailed CV to: Mrs Debbie Wyatt, PA to the Senior Administrator, Department of Engineering Science, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PJ.

Please quote DF10036 in all correspondence to the Department and in your graduate application.

The closing date for applications is 15th July 2010

Committed to equality and valuing diversity.

PhD Studentship in Electrical Engineering - University of Manchester

Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards (DHPA) Studentship
Investigating The Spectral And Spatial Performance Of Food Line Detectors
The University of Manchester - School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Start date: September 2010

Deadline for applications: 9 July 2010

Supervisor: Professor Tony Peyton

Project reference number: PhD/EEE/AP/SL684

Project description:

This 3 year DHPA Studentship offers an exciting opportunity for a graduate student to pursue an industrial based PhD degree between sites at the University of Manchester School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Mettler Toledo Safeline facilities nearby in Salford, and working as part of a team of academic and industrial partners, working to develop new, state of the art food line detectors.

In-line metal detectors are widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industry. They serve as a safe guard against product contamination from metal fragments and for some applications there are statutory requirement for their levels of performance. Although the metal detection industry is relative mature; there are aspects of the performance of the detectors that need to be better understood. Some of these issues now present a significant barrier to further improvement of these instruments

Consequently, this research will address fundamental issues, which now limit the performance of food line detectors, especially the systems for sensing foreign bodies. For example, an immediate aim is to improve our understanding the "product effect", which is the unwanted signal caused by the complex electrical conductivity of the object being scanned.

A full understanding of this issue should lead to more sensitive detectors and an ability to use the product signal to monitor product quality in food stuffs. It is likely this knowledge could be beneficial to other detector such as those for security applications. As the research progresses we would hope to exploit our new knowledge and together with techniques being pioneered for mutual induction tomography and spectroscopy to look forward towards a new generation of electromagnetic food line inspection systems.


DHPA are highly respected awards and the scheme is open to only scholar nationals from India, China, Hong Kong, Brazil, South Africa, Russia and the developing world.

The ideal candidate will have a top first class honours degree from a prestigious overseas academic institution in Physics, or Electrical Engineering / Electronics, or a similar. The ideal candidate will also be stimulated by problem solving and have proven practical ability and be able to work in a multidisciplinary team with food scientists, application engineers, business management and end-users.


The student will have full fees paid plus a minimum stipend of £13,290 p.a. over 3 years, which will increase each year at a rate stipulated by the Research Councils UK (RCUK).

Enquiries: Informal enquiries about the studentship are welcome by email to a.peyton@manchester.ac.uk or by telephone on 0161 306 8716.

How to Apply:

In the first instance, please send a CV and 1 page accompanying statement to Mrs Marie Davies, Postgraduate (Research) Admissions, email M.B.Davies@manchester.ac.uk quoting the project reference number PhD/EEE/AP/SL684.


* www.mt.com/metaldetection
* http://www.eee.manchester.ac.uk/
* http://www.eee.manchester.ac.uk/research/groups/sisp/


Anthropological Linguistics, Language Documentation: PhD Student, La Trobe University, Australia

Institution/Organization: La Trobe University
Department: Research Centre for Linguistic Typology
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Anthropological Linguistics; Language Documentation
PhD positions in Language Description and Documentation at the Research Centre
for Linguistic Typology
The Research Centre for Linguistic Typology (RCLT) at La Trobe University in
Melbourne, Australia (http://www.latrobe.edu.au/rclt) invites applications from
suitably qualified students to enter its PhD program.
The RCLT is committed to comprehensively analysing the linguistic structures of
languages that are endangered or have previously been little studied or are
completely undescribed.
PhD candidates at the RCLT undertake extensive fieldwork on their chosen
language. Following a period of academic preparation at the RCLT, students will
take a fieldtrip of at least several months duration to the community where the
language is spoken. Fieldwork methodology centres on the collection, transcription
and analysis of texts, together with participant observation, and judicious
grammatical elicitation in the language under description. RCLT students also aim
at language documentation: recording a range of linguistic styles, and building a
corpus of linguistic data that can be archived in international digital archives which
are available to both specialist linguists and the speakers of the language.
PhD candidates aim to write a grammatical description of the language they are
working on, covering the central areas of language such as phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and sociolinguistics of that language.
Candidates may find that some of these areas merit a deeper examination than
others. Following the completion of a first draft of the thesis, the candidate would
undertake a second field trip of a further several months, during which time the
basis and claims of the thesis can be checked.
The main priorities of the RCLT are Tibeto-Burman languages (Asia), the Papuan
and Austronesian languages of New Guinea and surrounding islands, the
languages of Amazonia and of Africa. However, we do not exclude applicants who
have an established interest in languages from other areas.
PhDs in Australian universities generally involve no coursework, just a substantial
dissertation. Candidates must thus have had thorough coursework training before
embarking on this PhD program. This should have included courses on
morphology, syntax, semantics, phonology/phonetics and comparative-historical
linguistics, preferably taught from a typological/functional perspective. We place
emphasis on work that has a sound empirical basis and also shows a firm
grounding in general typological literature and work done on related languages.
The scholarship will be at the standard La Trobe University rate, Australian
$22,500 p.a. Students coming from overseas are liable for a tuition fee but this
can usually be covered by a separate scholarship. A small relocation allowance
may be provided on taking up the scholarship. In addition, an appropriate
allowance will be made to cover fieldwork expenses. The scholarship is for three
years (with the possibility of a six month extension).
Closing date for international applicants: 30TH SEPTEMBER 2010
Closing date for Australian and New Zealand applicants: 30TH OCTOBER 2010
Prospective applicants are invited, in the first place, to get in touch with the
Director, Professor Randy J. LaPolla, at r.lapolla@latrobe.edu.au, providing details
of their background, qualifications and interests (including a curriculum vitae and
detailed project proposal).
Application Deadline: 30-Sep-2010
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof Randy LaPolla
La Trobe University VIC 3086
Web Address for Applications: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/rclt/
Contact Information:
Prof Randy LaPolla
Phone:+61 3 9479 6400
Fax:+61 3 9479 3053

Fujitsu Scholarship study at Hawaii, USA

Fujitsu Scholarship study at Hawaii, USA

The Fujitsu Asia Pacific Scholarship (Fujitsu Scholarship) Program, sponsored by Fujitsu Limited, provides financial assistance for postgraduate education and cross-cultural management training to participants from the Asia-Pacific region. Fujitsu Limited, an international leader in information technology, telecommunications, semiconductors and electronics that is headquartered in Tokyo, established the Fujitsu Scholarship to commemorate its 50th anniversary in 1985.

The Fujitsu Scholarship supports your development as a global leader by funding your participation in the East-West Knowledge Leaders Program.

Hone your leadership vision with this specialized program, delivered by JAIMS, in the wonderful setting of Honolulu, Hawaii. The diverse student body and rigorous curriculum will stretch you to be your best, and prepare you to lead your organization to success in the 21st Century.



Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

PhD studentships, Biomedical Tech, U of Insubria, Italy

IBT PhD Program 2010
PhD program in "Innovative Biomedical Technologies"

The PhD program in "Innovative Biomedical Technologies" (IBT) is an international and multidisciplinary joint postgraduate training program provided by the University of Eastern Piedmont at Novara and the University of Insubria at Varese (Italy) in collaboration with the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque and the Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA).

The IBT Program offers four scholarships for the following topics:

1."Vaccines for therapy of autoimmunity"
Steward Department: Department of Medical Sciences, Novara, Italy.

2."Innovative tools for the diagnosis of autoimmunity"
Steward Department: Department of Medical Sciences, Novara, Italy.

3."Interferon and autoimmunity"
Steward Department: Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Novara, Italy.

4."Tumor immunotherapy and vaccines"
Steward Department: Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, Varese, Italy.

The program is funded by the Fondazione Cariplo and comprises grants for specific educational activities and research stages at the participating or other institutions.


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