Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

PhD-level Researchers in Language Technology or Computational Linguistics

The newly established Research Training Group "Adaptive Information Preparation from Heterogeneous Sources" (AIPHES) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt and at the Ruprecht -Karls- University Heidelberg is filling several positions for three years, starting as soon as possible: 

PhD-level Researchers in Language Technology or Computational Linguistics 

The positions provide the opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree with an emphasis within one of the following guiding themes: 

A3: Opinion and Sentiment - extrapropositional aspects of discourse (Univ. of Heidelberg) 
B1: Structured summaries of complex contents (TU Darmstadt) 

B2: Content selection based on linked lexical resources (TU Darmstadt) 
D1: Multi-level models of information quality in online scenarios (TU Darmstadt) 
D2: Manual and Automatic Quality Assessment of Summaries from Heterogeneous Sources (TU Darmstadt) 
The funding follows the guidelines of the DFG, and the positions are paid according to the E13 public service pay scale. 

The goal of AIPHES is to conduct innovative research on multi-document summarization in a cross-disciplinary context. To that end, methods in computational linguistics, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis, and automated quality assessment will be developed. AIPHES will investigate a novel summarization scenario for information preparation from heterogeneous sources. There will be close interaction with end users who prepare textual documents in an online editorial office, and who should therefore profit from the results of AIPHES. In-depth knowledge in one of the above areas is desirable but not a prerequisite. 

Participating research groups at the Technische Universität Darmstadt are Knowledge Engineering (Prof. Fürnkranz), Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (Prof. Gurevych, Dr. Eckle-Kohler), Algorithmics (Prof. Weihe), Language Technology (Prof. Biemann), Multimedia Communications (Dr. Rensing). Participants at the Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg are the Institute for Computational Linguistics (Prof. Frank) and the Natural Language Processing Group (Prof. Strube) of Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). Cooperating partners are the Institute for Communication and Media of the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt and other partners in the area of online media. 

AIPHES will emphasize close contact between students and their advisors, have regular joint meetings, a co-supervision by professors and younger scientists in the research groups, and an intensive exchange as part of the research and qualification program. The training group has the goal of publishing its results at leading scientific conferences and will actively support its doctoral researchers in this endeavor. The software that will be developed in the course of AIPHES should be put under the open source Apache Software License 2.0 if possible. Moreover, the research papers and datasets should be published with open access models. 

We are looking for exceptionally qualified candidates with a degree in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, or a related study program. We expect ability to work independently, personal commitment, team and communication abilities, as well as the willingness to cooperate in a multi-disciplinary team. Desirable is experience in scientific work. Applicants should be able to work with German-language texts, and, if necessary, to acquire German language skills during the training program. We specifically invite applications of women. Among those equally qualified, handicapped applicants will receive preferential consideration. International applications are particularly encouraged. 

The Department of Computer Science of TU Darmstadt is regularly ranked among the top ones in respective rankings of German universities. Its unique research initiative "Knowledge Discovery in the Web" emphasizes natural language processing, text mining, machine learning, as well as scalable infrastructures for assessment and aggregation of knowledge. The Institute for Computational Linguistics (ICL) of the Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg is one of the large centers for computational linguistics both in Germany and internationally. The ICL and the NLP department of the HITS jointly run the graduate program "Semantic Processing" with an integrated research training group "Coherence in language processing: Semantics beyond the sentence", which has a close connection to the topics in computational linguistics of AIPHES. 

Applications should include 

a motivational letter that refers to one of the above listed guiding themes, 
a CV with information about the applicant's scientific work, 
certifications of study and work experience, 
as well as a thesis or other publications in electronic form. 
They should be submitted until March 23th, 2015 to the spokesperson of the research training group, Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych (Fachbereich Informatik, Hochschulstr. 10, 64289 Darmstadt) using the e-mail address apply-for-aiphes(a-t) The interviews may start any time. The positions are open until filled.

Postgraduate Scholarships in Telecommunication Networks at University of Technology Sydney

Two full-time postgraduate scholarships are available for suitably qualified
candidates with a good honours degree or equivalent in engineering to
undertake research studies leading to PhD in telecommunication networks at
University of Technology Sydney.

The successful candidates will be supervised by Prof Guoqiang Mao, Director
of Centre for Real-time Information Networks, University of Technology
Sydney and conduct research in one of the following topic areas:

* Modelling and performance analysis of large highly dynamic vehicular
* Vehicular network architecture design
* Communication strategy for vehicular networks
* Next generation mobile communication systems
* Urban sensing 
* Traffic control strategies for intelligent transportation systems

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants should have solid mathematical, telecommunications
or electrical engineering background, and a particular interest in applying
sophisticated mathematical skills to study telecommunication networks. The
scholarship is only for PhD candidates. Successful applicants should meet
the admission requirements for PhD and are expected to start their enrolment
at the University of Technology Sydney in Semester 2, 2015. Preference may
be given to candidates who can start early.

AMOUNT AWARDED: The scholarship is valued at A$25,392 per annum (tax exempt)
and may be renewed for up to three and half years, subject to satisfactory
progress.  Successful applicants from overseas may also be awarded a tuition
fee waiver scholarship.

APPLICATION GUIDE:  Further information can be obtained from Professor
Guoqiang Mao, Director of Centre for Real-time Information Networks,
University of Technology Sydney (E-mail:
Applications should be sent directly to Prof Mao at the above address and
should include a curriculum vitae, a copy of an academic transcript, a
research proposal in the above mentioned areas, and the names and contact
details of at least two referees. For overseas students, English test
results, e.g. IELTS or TOFEL, should be included.


13 PhD positions on Graphene Based Nanostructures and Materials at sites in UK, France, Spain and Greece

Applications are invited for 13 PhD positions working in graphene-based materials, funded by the EU commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN initiative. These include a post at the Institute of Materials in Nantes concerned with atomic scale DFT modelling of pristine and functionalised graphene, as well as posts including TD-DFT simulations at the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens, Greece.
The network entitled “Enabling Excellence” offers integral R&D training at PhD level around one of the most active and exciting topics at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology, graphene-based nanostructures and materials, and associated instrumentation development. This is accompanied by a unique and continuous Communication training programme throughout the duration of the project. We are looking for: 13 excellent candidates to pursue research leading to a PhD from 2015 to 2018 in a European network of excellent academic and non-academic (e.g. SME) institutions. The successful candidates will have a background in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering or a related discipline. They will be highly motivated researchers with an excellent academic background, team players ready to actively contribute to the network activities.
The fellowships will provide supervised multidisciplinary cutting-edge research training in fundamental knowledge of graphene-based nano-objects, the development of functionalities and processing into macroscopic advanced materials and devices, accompanied by a broad set of characterization techniques. They offer excellent opportunities for personalized complementary training through extended exchanges to academic and industrial European network partners (in UK, France, Spain and Greece), accompanied by activities to develop business skills (with opportunities for spin-off development at the end of the PhD). A significant component will be training in communication. It is one of the skills which will ‘Enable‘Excellence’ ; whether your ambition is a research career, or one in the management of science in industry, or in the politics of framing international science policy.
The fellowship includes a research contract of 36 months on a full-time basis, with the opportunity to register for a PhD thesis. An attractive gross salary according to Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme standards is offered, including a generous mobility allowance and additional family allowance where applicable.
Full details including application procedures are available at

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Beasiswa Pertukaran Guru SMP/SMA ke Amerika

Buat para Bapak/Ibu Guru SMP/SMA sederajat yang tertarik ke Amerika, ini ada beasiswa ILEP yang memfasilitasi pertukaran guru selama 4 bulan.
Soal biaya, bisa dikatakan semuanya dibiayai. Ini daftar apa saja yang dibiayai oleh pihak beasiswa:
1. Pembekalan keberangkatan di Indonesia sebelum ke Amerika. Jadi, tidak usah khawatir soal tidak tahu menahu tentang kondisi dan cara hidup di Amerika karena akan diberikan pembekalan sebelum berangkat.
2. Tiket pesawat pulang-pergi Amerika – Indonesia dan tiket didalam Amerika.
3. Orientasi penyambutan di Washington, DC.
4. Biaya program akademik.
5. Tempat tinggal (biasanya sharing dengan penerima beasiswa yang lain).
6. Asuran kesehatan.
7. Biaya makan selama mengikuti program.
8. Dapat komputer. Menurut saya, mereka akan memberikan uang untuk membeli komputer, tapi bisa dipastikan dengan tanya langsung ke Panitia seleksi nanti.
9/ Uang untuk membeli buku.
10. Seminar penutupan di Washinton, DC.
11. Uang untuk menutupi kiriman barang yang melebihi kuota.
12. Kesempatan untuk melamar grant kolaborasi lainnya dengan rekan kerja di Amerika.
Bila tertarik melamar, saya sarankan sembari lihat-lihat contoh file beasiswa yang saya letakkan di blog ini, download disini. Boleh juga baca e-book “Smart Tweets 4 Scholarship Hunters”, download disini.
Saya terbuka kalau mau diskusi atau minta tolong dikoreksikan esainya dan lain-lain. Bisa hubungi saya di twitter @01_budi atau di BBM 51410A7E.
Semangat ya!
Ini ada informasi dari Aminef tentang beasiswa ILEP.
Beasiswa International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP)
Hallo Bapak/Ibu Guru SMP/SMA sederajat,INTERNATIONAL LEADERS IN EDUCATION PROGRAM (#ILEP) kembali dibuka!Jika anda ingin mengikuti program pertukaran guru selama 4 bulan (satu semester) di #AS dan memiliki kualifikasi sbb:
a. WNI
b. Pendidikan terakhir S1/S2
c. Guru tetap SMP/SMA/SMK/MTS/SMAK/ sederajat baik sekolah negeri maupun swasta
d. Berpengalaman mengajar minimal kurang lebih 5 tahun
e. Mengajar B. Inggris/Matematika/IPA/IPS/PKn/Agama
f. Memiliki skor TOEFL ITP minimal 500 atau IBT 60/61 atau IELTS 5.5.
g. Kembali ke institusi/sekolah setelah selesainya program anda di Amerika.
Jangan ragu melamar program khusus kami tersebut. Mengapa Melamar ILEP?
a. Kesempatan bertemu dan menjalin global network dengan guru partisipan ILEP perwakilan dari berbagai negara di dunia.
b. Kesempatan mengikuti perkuliahan dalam kelas di kampus di AS.
c. Kesempatan mengikuti sesi mengajar di SMP/SMA di Amerika
d. Kesempatan mengikuti seminar di Washington DC
e. Kesempatan mengikuti kompetisi TEA/ILEP Alumni Small Grants jika sudah menjadi alumni, dan banyak lagi lainnya.
f. Guru dari daerah akan diberikan prioritas
Segala biaya yang berkaitan dengan program akan ditanggung AMINEF. (kecuali passport dan medical check up yang perlu dimiliki jika terpilih menjadi penerima beasiswa nanti)
Deadline: 15 APRIL 2015
Keberangkatan ke Amerika: Januari – Mei 2016
(Bagi yang terpilih menjadi penerima beasiswanya).
Untuk info lebih lanjut dan mengunduh form aplikasi :

PhD Positions in Condensed Matter at SISSA

Category: Job

From: Massimo Capone

Date: 08-Mar-2015 21:57


Ph.D. positions in Theory and Numerical Simulation of Condensed Matter are available at the International School for Advanced Studies/SISSA in Trieste, Italy ( ). The deadline for the Spring opening is March, 20. The candidates will be selected shortly after the deadline after evaluation of the curricula and an interview (also via Skype).

The condensed matter group features a wide spectrum of activities including the development of the Quantum Espresso project ( ), new methods to treat electronic correlation in Density-Functional Theory, Dynamical Mean-Field Theory calculations of correlated materials, Quantum Monte-Carlo simulations of model systems and materials, the investigation of physical and chemical properties of surfaces, interfaces and nano-structured materials, and non-equilibrium quantum systems.

Possible supervisors include S. Baroni, M. Capone, A. Dal Corso, S. de Gironcoli, M. Fabrizio, G. Santoro, A. Silva, S. Sorella and E. Tosatti as well as researchers of the Democritos Simulation Center of National Research Council CNR, including F. Becca, S. Fabris, S. Moroni, S. Piccinin, A. Vanossi and of the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) including R. Gebauer, S. Scandolo and others.

SISSA students and researchers also benefit from the close collaboration with the nearby Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and Elettra Synchrotron Radiation Facility.

Applications can be submitted online:

A Master title is necessary to enter the PhD program, but it is sufficient to obtain it before November, when the program begins.

For more information feel free to contact

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