Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

2 PhD positions at the Juelich Research Center (Germany) on “Metals in neurodegenerative diseases”

PI: Paolo Carloni
Aim and Scope: QM/MM approaches are established tools to investigate structure, dynamics, energetics and spectroscopic properties of complex transition-metal ion based biomolecules of pharmacological relevance (Brunk E. and Roethlisberger U., Chem. Rev. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/cr500628b; Dal Peraro M., et al. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 2007. 17(2): p. 149-156; http://psi-k.net/download/highlights/Highlight_126.pdf). 
We seek PhD students with a master in physics or in chemistry, possibly with experience in density functional theory and/or in molecular simulation, for projects on copper and iron proteins involved in neurodegeneration. The projects will be carried out in close collaborations with experimental labs. For more details of the research carried out in the lab, see our webpage
Applications should include CV and the names of at least two people to be contacted as references. They should be sent to p.carloni@fz-juelich.de. Search will continue until the positions are filled.

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