Rabu, 30 April 2014

PhD position in DB & KDD at University of Tours, Blois, France

The DB & NLP group of the CS lab. of the University of Tours, 
France, invites applications for a fully-funded 3-year PhD position 
in the area of data warehousing, data mining, analytics and 
exploratory search, starting in September 2014 in the nice city 
of Blois (http://en.blois.fr/) located in the Unesco World Heritage 
area of the "Loire valley". 

The research area is that of interactive exploratory analysis 
of huge amounts of data and research activities will include 
the empirical study, modeling and benchmarking of exploratory 
analyses. Experimental validation will be carried out in the 
context of a regional project aiming at the interactive analysis 
of open data, to study the energy vulnerability of households 
and territories. 

Applicants should have a M.Sc. in computer science and possess 
a very good knowledge of BI (Business Intelligence) related theory
and technics (data warehousing, OLAP, data mining, information 
retrieval), user-centric approaches (recommendation, personalization) 
and development. Experience with open data will be a plus. 
Good proficiency in English is mandatory. French language skills 
are desirable but not mandatory. 

The monthly gross salary is 1685.43 Euro.

Applicants are invited to send a CV, a copy of the official transcript 
of their Master, a copy of their MasterĂ¢?Ts thesis dissertation, publications, 
a cover letter and reference letters, by email, to Patrick Marcel 

Minggu, 27 April 2014

PhD Position at EMSE St-Etienne

A PhD studentship is available at ENS Mines Saint-Etienne. The deadline to postulate is *7th of May*.

He/she will be supervised by Professor Flavien Balbo and assistant Professor Antoine Zimmermann (ISCOD team, iscod.emse.fr).

Scientific context:

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) aims at improving public transports, logistics and traffic management by utilising new hardware infrastructures (such as, sensors and communication networks) with modern information technologies for simulation, real-time control, data and knowledge management and exploitation. This opens new issues for the collection, storage and distribution of information related to travellers and goods. More specifically, information sources and services are numerous, multi-scale, heterogeneous and independent. As an example, recommending a multimodal route demands access to data and services that belong to independent operators, and that are difficult to combine. Therefore, one of the major objectives of ITS is to propose an adapted answer to the needs and dynamic context of travalers, thanks to a combined use of multiple services, data sources and partially formalised knowledge.

Doctoral issue:

In this context, the goal of this PhD thesis is the design of a generic framework to collect and share information and services in the transportation domain. Information and services are proposed by multiple operators in order to offer flexible and adapted advanced services to the travelers. The resulting middleware has to process heterogeneous and multi-scale information. The middleware design will be based on multi-agent and semantic web technologies.

More precisely, the design of the shared information space will exploit open ontologies and linked data to integrate and to access heterogeneous and distributed data or service sources. The explicitation and context awareness of users will be based on the research of the ISCOD team and will be adapted to the transportation domain. Finally, the deployment of the middleware in an open and distributed environment will benefit from the research on interaction and coordination models in the multi-agent domain with the integration of the mobility dimension.

Additional Information:

The ISCOD laboratory belongs to the Henri Fayol institute that is a Joint Research Unit (JRU) of ARMINES and its partner school ENS Mines Saint-Etienne that deals with industrial management, systems engineering and information technology. Its objectives are to develop and explore advanced methods, models and tools to improve the overall performance of organisations, companies, and businesses, from both social responsibility and sustainable development perspectives. One of its research activities contribute to the development of a transparent and intelligent mediation infrastructure between the strongly interconnected digital world (contents and services) and real world (things and people). The models, technologies and applications that are developed within the group address the challenges of Decentralisation, Cooperation and Openness that are at the core of current ITs application (Web intelligence, Ambient Computing). The main research subjects
 investigated are multi-agent-o
 computing, information retrieval, semantic technologies, trust and privacy, artificial intelligence.

Candidate Profile:
The ideal candidate should have an MSc or equivalent degree in computer science or mathematics and should be able to work in a collaborative environment.

Background knowledge and/or previous experience in the following areas, will be considered favorably:
 - Multi-agent System,
 - Semantic https://sogo.emse.fr/SOGo/so/flavien.balbo/Mail/0/folderDrafts/newDraft1398439584-1/edit#Web,
 - Software engineering.


Email the following documents:
 - CV,
 - Motivation letter, 
 - A copy of your grades of the last year or years (especially the current year if you are a Master student), if you do not yet have the official paper for the current year, please send us the grades by email and you will be able to provide the official paper later.
 - optionally, letters of recommendation.

   - Flavien Balbo : Flavien [dot) Balbo [at) emse (dot] fr
   - Antoine Zimmermann : Antoine (dot] Zimmermann (at] emse [dot) fr

Kamis, 24 April 2014



Pengelolaan keuangan Negara dan pengawasan yang efektif merupakan faktor penentu dalam menciptakan tata kepemerintahan yang baik (good public governance).  Dalam rangka itu, peningkatan profesionalisme  pegawai pengelola keuangan negara dan aparat pengawasan intern pemerintahan (PKN-APIP) merupakan  hal yang perlu mendapatkan  perhatian. Untuk itu, Pemerintah,  dalam hal   ini   Badan   Pengawasan    Keuangan    dan   Pembangunan (BPKP) sebagai Executing Agency dengan dukungan  Loan  Number  2927-INO dari Asian Development Bank (ADB) melalui program State Accountability Revitalization (STAR), menyelenggarakan program beasiswa pendidikan formal S1/D-IV dan S2 di bidang akuntansi sektor publik bagi Pengelola Keuangan Negara/PKN (mis. pengelola keuangan instansi, pengelola barang, penyusun laporan keuangan, bendahara, dan pembantu bendahara) dan Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintahan (APIP).

Tujuan umum dari program beasiswa STAR adalah memperkuat kinerja akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan negara melalui peningkatan kapasitas SDM PKN-APIP antara lain dalam bidang penganggaran, pelaporan keuangan, internal audit dan manajemen aset.


Dana program beasiswa STAR mencakup biaya pendidikan,  biaya buku,  biaya tempat tinggal, biaya penelitian, biaya wisuda, dan biaya  hidup bagi penerima program.


Sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Menteri PAN dan RB No. 4 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pemberian Tugas Belajar dan Izin Belajar Bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS), maka penyelenggaraan program beasiswa STAR  untuk pendidikan program ekstensi (D-IV/S1) dan S2 menggunakan pendekatan pola TUGAS BELAJAR.


  1. Program Beasiswa S1/D-IV
      1)     PNS yang bekerja sebagai PKN-APIP pada instansi pemerintah;               
      2)     Lulus    seleksi    administrasi    di Biro Kepegawaian K/L/BKD, mencakup:
  • Pada saat pendaftaran telah diangkat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS), minimal 1 tahun;

  • Pada saat pendaftaran (ditetapkan setiap periode) umur maksimal 37 tahun;

  • Pangkat serendah-rendahnya Pengatur (II/c);

  • Memiliki ijazah D3 dan atau setara D3 jurusan Akuntansi, Bisnis, Ekonomi Perusahaan, Manajemen Keuangan/Perpajakan;
       3)     Disetujui oleh atasan langsung setingkat Eselon 2 di instansi K/L/Pemda dimana peserta bekerja;

       4)     Lulus tes akademik Perguruan Tinggi;

       5)     Ditetapkan dan diumumkan sebagai peserta penerima program beasiswa oleh BPKP;

       6)     Bersedia bekerja kembali minimal 2 tahun sebagai PKN-APIP di instansinya dengan menandatangani surat pernyataan (lihat Lampiran 3).

2. Program Beasiswa Pendidikan S2

1)       PNS yang bekerja sebagai PKN-APIP pada instansi pemerintah;

2)       Lulus    seleksi    administrasi    di Biro Kepegawaian K/L/BKD, mencakup:
  • Pada   saat   pendaftaran    telah diangkat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS), minimal 1 tahun;

  • Pada saat pendaftaran (ditetapkan setiap periode) umur maksimal 42 tahun;

  • Pangkat serendah-rendahnya Penata Muda (III/a);

  • Memiliki   ijazah   Sarjana   (S1)   atau setara S1, diutamakan yang berlatar belakang ekonomi/akuntansi;
3)       Disetujui oleh atasan langsung setingkat Eselon 2 di instansi K/L/Pemda dimana peserta bekerja;

4)       Lulus tes akademik Perguruan Tinggi;

5)       Ditetapkan dan diumumkan sebagai peserta penerima program beasiswa oleh BPKP;

6)       Bersedia bekerja kembali minimal 2 tahun sebagai PKN-APIP di instansinya dengan menandatangani surat pernyataan.


1)       Calon peserta mengajukan lamaran untuk mengikuti program pada pengelola kepegawaian di K/L/ Pemda;

2)       Unit pengelola kepegawaian pada K/L/Pemda melakukan seleksi administrasi sesuai dengan kriteria penerima program beasiswa;

3)       Unit pengelola kepegawaian K/L/ Pemda memberikan surat rekomendasi mengikuti program beasiswa STAR kepada calon peserta yang memenuhi syarat administrasi;

4)       Calon peserta melakukan upload data dan mengisi form pendaftaran di website BPKP;

5)       Website BPKP secara otomatis menginformasikan nomor registrasi dan menyebutkan bahwa data yang di upload oleh peserta telah lengkap;

6)       Hasil cetak nomor registrasi digunakan peserta pada saat pendaftaran di Perguruan Tinggi;

7)       Perguruan Tinggi melakukan tes akademik;

8)       Perguruan Tinggi menyerahkan hasil tes akademik kepada BPKP dan mengajukan calon  peserta  yang  lulus  seleksi (daftar peserta yang mengikuti seleksi beserta nilai hasil seleksi);

9)       Khusus  untuk  program  beasiswa  S2, BPKP/Perwakilan dan Perguruan Tinggi melakukan seleksi terakhir dalam bentuk wawancara;

10)   BPKP menetapkan  peserta yang lulus seleksi dan telah memenuhi persyaratan administrasi peserta program beasiswa, sesuai dengan alokasi peserta per PT   penyelenggara.


Daftar PT penyelenggara dapat dilihat pada website BPKP di http://www.bpkp.go.id/konten/1655/Program-STAR-BPKP

Senin, 21 April 2014

PhD and post-doc positions at Institut Telecom

The Service Architecture Lab (http://servicearchitecture.wp.tem-tsp.eu/) of
Institut Telecom, Telecom SudParis invites applications for 1 post-doc and
2 PhD students (joint PhD Institut Telecom - Paris 6 University). All the
positions are full time and fixed term for three years (PhD positions) or
two years (post-doc position).


The institute is a telecommunications research and education centre, located
in the South of Paris, France.


The positions will focus on the field of:

- On-line Social Networks. OSNs such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+ have
irrupted in the society in the last few years becoming one of the most
successful services within the Internet.

- Internet of Things and Internet of Services. The Internet of Things is one
of the research topics in the Information and Communication Technology that
will have a disruptive impact on our daily life in the future.

- Service webification. Social Communications have been driven by telephony
and messaging for decades. With the rise of social networking and web 2.0
trends new communications modes are emerging and will take a significant
part of the market in the near future.


Selected candidates will join a stimulating and collaborative environment.
The laboratory will give each of its candidates the opportunity to
experience working with a varied set of institutions, both in academia and
industry through European projects. 



- Recent master/PhD in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering.

- Research background in relevant communication and networking technologies.

- Talented individuals with strong motivation, team spirit.

- Excellent English skills are a prerequisite. French is not needed as
English is the working language.

- For Post-doc (and preferably PhD students): track record of high-quality

- Good programming skills in major languages (C, C++, Java), in scripting
languages (Python, Perl, etc) and knowledge of Databases can be a plus for
the PhD positions.



Qualified applicants are encouraged to submit their CV, cover letter,
transcripts, most significant publications and references by sending an
email with the ***same email subject*** to noel.crespi@mines-telecom.fr.
Potential successful candidates will be contacted by email for interview.

Sabtu, 12 April 2014

PhD Research Fellowships in the Initiative Concurrent Security and Robustness for Networked Systems (ConSeRNS)

University of Oslo, Department of Informatics

PhD Research Fellowships in the Initiative

Concurrent Security and Robustness for Networked Systems (ConSeRNS)

Deadline for application: 20. April 2014


The fellowships are for a period of up-to 4 years, with 25 % compulsory
work (such as teaching assistance).

Starting date: no later than 01.10.2014.


o Job/ project description:

The Department of Computer Science offers 3 PhD positions in the general
area of security and robustness for concurrent and distributed systems. 

The open topics are more specifically:

- Design and Formal Analysis of User Authentication Systems:

This Ph.D. research project focuses on designing, formalizing, and
formally verifying seamless and continuous user authentication
architectures. A holistic approach to security design is desirable,
meaning that contextual elements can be considered part of the
security protocol which then becomes a security ceremony. A key part
of the project is therefore the development of formal analysis
methods for security ceremonies.

- Secure and Robust Network-based Systems (1)

The goal is to investigate the trade-off between QoS (Quality of
Service) on one hand, and security and robustness on the other,
when designing and configuring IT systems. Self-protection is part
of the design approach, whereby a countermeasure is automatically
identified and applied when an attack or threat is discovered. The
challenge is to make optimal decisions with regard to balancing
the need to offer services of high quality (e.g. performance) and
the need to protect against attacks.

- Secure and Robust Network-based Systems (2)

The goal is to address the problem of how IT systems during runtime
can assess, detect, react and adapt to current security threats,
vulnerabilities and attacks in order to achieve a certain level of
security threat immunity. Elements to be considered as part of this
PhD project is the development of models for dynamic risk, the
design of redundant security architectures, and the application of
formal methods for security design verification.

Applicants must hold a Master's degree or equivalent in the area of
computer science with an emphasis on one or more of the following:
distributed systems, information security, formal methods, theoretical computer science.

o Further info about the application procedure, contact, salary etc under 
the institute's announcements for the 3 positions:


(see also 

for an overview, including 2 additional ConSeRNS-positions 

o Institutional framework

The positions are part of the ConSeRNS initiative (Concurrent Security
and Robustness for Networked Systems) at the University of Oslo. The
initiative targets essential research challenges in security and
robustness of ICT infrastructures. ConSeRNS is part of a national Center
for Resilient Networks and Applications (CRNA), which spans Simula
Research Laboratory, the University of Bergen as well as the University
of Oslo.

The Ph.D positions are associated to the University of Oslo, Department
of Computer Science, by the research groups :

- Precise Modelling and Analysis : http://www.mn.uio.no/ifi/english/research/groups/pma/
- Networked and Distributed Systems: http://www.mn.uio.no/ifi/english/research/groups/nd/

Kamis, 10 April 2014

Master and/or Phd Opportunities for Computer Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Seoul-South Korea

 Master AND/OR Phd opportunities
from our university in Computer Engineering Department, Kwangwoon University, Seoul-South Korea.
Nowadays, there are 4 labs which need international students include from Indonesia for this summer entrance.
Full funding will be provided from each lab scheme or research assitanship.
The labs are:
 Research areas:
  • Mobile communication and network,
  • Computer architecture and real-time processing,
  • Image and video processing,
  • Information and communication technology.
Qualification, financial aid, and professor contacts for each lab information can be found from the attachment of this mail.
For further inquires are very welcomed to one of the following labs.
P.S: This summer entrance will be started about on September. So, we can try to apply these opportunities by now.

PhD Position at EMSE St-Etienne

A PhD studentship is available at ENS Mines Saint-Etienne.

He/she will be supervised by Professor Flavien Balbo and assistant Professor Antoine Zimmermann (ISCOD team, iscod.emse.fr).

Scientific context:

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) aims at improving public transports, logistics and traffic management by utilising new hardware infrastructures (such as, sensors and communication networks) with modern information technologies for simulation, real-time control, data and knowledge management and exploitation. This opens new issues for the collection, storage and distribution of information related to travellers and goods. More specifically, information sources and services are numerous, multi-scale, heterogeneous and independent. As an example, recommending a multimodal route demands access to data and services that belong to independent operators, and that are difficult to combine. Therefore, one of the major objectives of ITS is to propose an adapted answer to the needs and dynamic context of travalers, thanks to a combined use of multiple services, data sources and partially formalised knowledge.

Doctoral issue:

In this context, the goal of this PhD thesis is the design of a generic framework to collect and share information and services in the transportation domain. Information and services are proposed by multiple operators in order to offer flexible and adapted advanced services to the travelers. The resulting middleware has to process heterogeneous and multi-scale information. The middleware design will be based on multi-agent and semantic web technologies.

More precisely, the design of the shared information space will exploit open ontologies and linked data to integrate and to access heterogeneous and distributed data or service sources. The explicitation and context awareness of users will be based on the research of the ISCOD team and will be adapted to the transportation domain. Finally, the deployment of the middleware in an open and distributed environment will benefit from the research on interaction and coordination models in the multi-agent domain with the integration of the mobility dimension.

Additional Information:

The ISCOD laboratory belongs to the Henri Fayol institute that is a Joint Research Unit (JRU) of ARMINES and its partner school ENS Mines Saint-Etienne that deals with industrial management, systems engineering and information technology. Its objectives are to develop and explore advanced methods, models and tools to improve the overall performance of organisations, companies, and businesses, from both social responsibility and sustainable development perspectives. One of its research activities contribute to the development of a transparent and intelligent mediation infrastructure between the strongly interconnected digital world (contents and services) and real world (things and people). The models, technologies and applications that are developed within the group address the challenges of Decentralisation, Cooperation and Openness that are at the core of current ITs application (Web intelligence, Ambient Computing). The main research subjects investigated are multi-agent-oriented computing, information retrieval, semantic technologies, trust and privacy, artificial intelligence.

Candidate Profile:

The ideal candidate should have an MSc or equivalent degree in computer science or mathematics and should be able to work in a collaborative environment.

Background knowledge and/or previous experience in the following areas, will be considered favorably:
-          Multi-agent System,
-          Semantic Web,
-          Software engineering.


Email CV and motivation letter to
   - Flavien Balbo : Flavien [dot) Balbo [at) emse (dot] fr
   - Antoine Zimmermann : Antoine (dot] Zimmermann (at] emse [dot) fr

Phd scholarship in University Grenoble about genotype imputation and haplotype phasing using large-scale statistical machine learning

Title: Genotype imputation and haplotype phasing using large-scale statistical machine learning.

The candidate will be in a diverse research environment working with both a lab of statistics for population genetics (http://membres-timc.imag.fr/Michael.Blum/) and a lab of machine learning (http://lear.inrialpes.fr/people/mairal/). Grenoble is a university town located in a beautiful alpine environment.

Subject: The amount of generated biological data grows at an unprecedented pace. Statistical and machine-learning research efforts are increasingly needed to analyse the large-scale biological data. As part of this research effort, the objective of the PhD candidate will be to develop statistical algorithms that can scale with the massive dimension of genomic data. One major use of genomic data is to make associations between genomic features and disease traits. Key technical steps in making associations between genes and diseases consists of identifying the genetic variants that are co-located on the same chromosome (phasing) and imputing missing genetic variants based on reference panels (genotype imputation). These two steps are performed with statistical algorithms that may hit a computational wall soon because of the massive dimension of the genomic data. The objective of the PhD will be to develop statistical models and algorithms for handling massive data. A first direction will be to adapt matrix completion techniques, which are are popular for web recommender systems and which can also provide accurate and fast results for genotype imputation. The proposed models and algorithms will be implemented in an open-source software during the course of the PhD project.

Profile: The typical background of the candidate will be in statistics or machine learning. Students from related disciplines, such as physics, computer sciences or mathematics are also welcome to apply. Applicants with a genuine interest for interdisciplinary PhD education will be preferred.

The Phd candidate will be co-supervised by Julien Mairal, INRIA researcher in machine learning and Michael Blum, CNRS researcher in Bayesian statistical genetics.

Applicants should send by email a CV and a recommendation letter from an academic reference.

Michael Blum 

Selasa, 01 April 2014

PhD position at the LabEx MS2T of the UTC (France)

PhD Opening at the Excellence Laboratory MS2T @ UTC, France

A PhD position is available at the Excellence Laboratory MS2T (Technological Systems of Systems) of the Technological University of Compiegne, France. The candidate will join the transversal Networking and Vision research direction managed by Professors Vincent Fremont and Enrico Natalizio. The position is fully funded for three years and available from September 2014.

Graduate students at the M.Sc. or B.Sc. level with background in Electrical and Computer Engineering or Computer Science are encouraged to apply. The accepted candidate will work on exciting research problems at the intersection of wireless sensor and robot networks, computer vision, multi-robot systems,  swarm intelligence. The investigations will target applications such as camera networks, 3D video streaming, visual SLAM, etc.

Good mathematical background and knowledge in Computer Vision and Networking protocols as well as practical skills with programming languages (C/C++) and software tools (e.g., Matlab, NS-2) and fluent English (written and spoken) are required. Above all, the applicants must be motivated to learn quickly and work effectively on challenging research problems.

For a description of recent research activities carried out by Professors Fremont and Natalizio, please visit their websites (https://www.hds.utc.fr/~vfremont/ and https://www.hds.utc.fr/~enataliz/).

Application process (deadline April 20th)
The following documents are required:
- CV,
- motivation letter,
- statement of  research experience and interests,
- transcripts of University transcripts and
- (at least) two reference letters

as attachments of an email, whose subject will be "Application for PhD position at the LabEx MS2T", which must be addressed to Professors Fremont and Natalizio (at vincent.fremont@hds.utc.fr and enrico.natalizio@hds.utc.fr).
Web links of research articles authored by the applicant are welcome to be included, too.

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