Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

PhD and Masters Studentships at CINVESTAV-I.P.N., Mexico

PhD and Masters Studentships at CINVESTAV-I.P.N.

A number of fully funded PhD and Masters Studentships for students outside Mexico may be available within the graduate Program in Mathematics at the Center of Research and of Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (www.math.cinvestav.mx/), Campuses Mexico City and Queretaro, Mexico. We are one of the most important and prestigious postgraduate and research institutions in Mexico. The Department hosts annually several international mathematical events including the JoseƬ Adem Memorial Lecture Series, www.math.cinvestav.mx/ADEM, the NAS-Cinvestav Lectures, organized jointly with the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, www.math.cinvestav.mx/NASLectures, and the Solomon Lefschetz Memorial Lecture Series, www.math.cinvestav.mx/lefschetz, among other meetings.

The Department of Mathematics at CINVESTAV offers an international level PhD program in mathematics. The Department has about 30 full time professors with an active research agenda in algebraic topology, algebra, algebraic geometry, combinatorics, complex analysis (several complex variables, Clifford analysis and applications), functional analysis, mathematical physics, number theory, optimization, optimal control of stochastic systems, probability (including finance, stochastic games, Markov processes) among other fields. PhD studentships are available for outstanding students (a G.P.A of at least 4.0/5.0 in the master's studies is required, and recommendation letters). A working knowledge of English is necessary, while proficiency in Spanish is helpful and ought to be acquired after two years. Applicants should arrange informally to have a PhD supervisor from the faculty of the Department before submitting an application. Applications for the PhD program are accepted throughout the year. For further details, please contact Prof. W. A. Zuniga-Galindo, wazuniga@math.cinvestav.edu.mx

, or any member of the faculty matching research interests.

For the Master's program in Mathematics studentships are also available. An entrance exam and also a minimum G.P.A of 4.0/5.0 are required. The courses for the Master's program are delivered in Spanish. For further details (including scholarships) contact Professor Zuniga-Galindo.


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