Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Post doc position in Grenoble, France

Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences – Centre de Recherche Inserm n°U 836-UJF-CEA-CHU

Directeur : Claude Feuerstein


Le Secrétariat – Caroline Weber

Tél. : 04 56 52 06 56

Fax : 04 56 52 06 57

Email caroline.weber@ujf-grenoble.fr

Adresse Géographique :

Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences

Centre de Recherche Inserm U.836 – UJF-CEA-CHU

Bâtiment Edmond J. Safra

Chemin Fortuné Ferrini

38700 La Tronche - France

Adresse Postale :

Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences

Centre de Recherche Inserm U.836 – UJF-CEA-CHU

Bâtiment Edmond J. Safra

Université Joseph Fourier

Site Santé à La Tronche

BP 170

38042 GRENOBLE Cedex 9 – France


The candidate should be well trained in calcium imaging on brain slice or in vivo.


A two years post-doctoral position will be available in Grenoble–institute of neurosciences

(France) as for january 2011 to work on a project coordinated by Antoine Depaulis

(antoine.depaulis@ujf-grenoble.fr) untitled : “Do cortical astrocytes play a role in the

occurrence of absence epilepsy ? A calcium imaging and two photon microscopy approach

in a genetic rat model”.

The objective of the project is to determine whether absence epilepsy is associated with

the development of an anomaly of the cortical glial network and/or a dysfunction of

neuron-glial relationships during cortical maturation.

The program is developed in collaboration with 4 teams including neurobiologists

specialized in epilepsy and calcium imaging (I Guillemain and M Albrieux) and physicists

specialized in two-photon imaging (JC Vial and B Van der Sanden).

The candidate will focus on experiments that will determine the functional aspects of the

glial network and its relationship with the neural network by measuring spontaneous and

induced calcium movements and cell synchrony on cortical slices of epileptic rat pups and

controls of the same age. The implication of neuro- and glio-transmission in the observed

events will be studied using specific pharmacological tools.

Key words : epileptogenesis, glial network, calcium imaging, neuron-glia relationship,

brain slices, in vivo recording.


Calcium imaging in brain slice or in vivo. Confocal or two-photon microscopy


Start date : january 2011

Duration : 2 years

Funding : ANR grant (around 26000 euros /year)


Applications, including a CV, list of publications and names for two references should be

sent by e-mail to: Isabelle Guillemain : isabelle.guillemain@ujf-grenoble.fr and Mireille

Albrieux : mireille.albrieux@ujf-grenoble.fr

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